Weep Begonia: 7 Myths And 7 Realities [Full Guide]

Weep Begonia are they real?

Yes, weeping begonias are real. They are a type of begonia that has long, trailing stems that cascade down like a waterfall. Weeping begonias are native to Central and South America, and they are popular houseplants because of their beautiful flowers and easy care requirements.

How do you look after a weeping Begonia? Due to their fleshy leaves, begonias hold moisture and need less frequent watering. Indoors they require high humidity and good airflow to avoid disease issues. To increase humidity, place them in a tray of pebbles and water. Dry air will cause leaf edges to brown.

Begonia Tales: Debunking Myths and Embracing Truths

Hey there, let’s talk about those cool weeping begonias. You know, the ones with those graceful leaves and delicate flowers? But hey, there are some myths about these beauties that need busting. Here’s the lowdown on seven myths and seven truths to make sure your begonia game is strong.

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Is weeping Begonia perennial? These stunning blooms are generally an annual but can be cultivated as a tender perennial with the right conditions. Begonias can thrive as tender perennials in zone 9 or 10 climates. Zones 9 and 10 have sufficiently high temperatures that they can survive year after year when they go dormant in the autumn and winter.

Myth 1: Growing Troubles?

Truth: Not Really!

Weeping begonias are actually quite chill if you get their setup right. They’re into moderate, not-too-harsh light, slightly moist soil, and humidity at around 50%.

Do begonias prefer sun or shade? First and foremost, it’s important to note that overall, begonias perform best in light shade or partial sun, that is 4-6 hours of morning sun and will do well in deeper shade, especially the tuberous Non-Stops and the flashy foliage types such as Rex begonias.

Myth 2: Pet Poison Alert?

Truth: Not a Worry!

While these plants aren’t harmful to pets, it’s always wise to keep indoor plants out of reach just in case your furry friends get curious.

Can you cultivate weeping begonias indoors? Taking care of begonias is relatively straightforward in good soil conditions. You can also grow begonias indoors, but meeting their light and humidity needs might be more challenging.

Myth 3: Constant Thirst?

Truth: Not Quite!

Only water these beauties when the top layer of soil feels dry. Overwatering is a big no-no for these plants.

Where can you cultivate weeping Begonia? They thrive in full to partial shade but may not flower in areas with dense shade and low light. Begonias are excellent container plants for shady gardens, patios, porches, and patios.

Myth 4: No Love for Fertilizer?

Truth: Actually, They Do!

A bit of balanced liquid fertilizer every few weeks during their growing season is like a treat for them. Dilute it to half strength for best results.

Myth 5: Trim Time All the Time?

Truth: Not Really Necessary!

Just snip away dead leaves and, if you fancy, pinch the stems to encourage a bushier growth. That’s all the trim they need.

Do begonias fare better in pots or in the ground? Due to their extended flowering season and full foliage, begonias excel as container plants. Begonia plants fill and even spill over containers.

Myth 6: Bug Trouble?

Truth: Not That Much!

They’re not big bug magnets, but if you spot any pests like aphids or mealybugs, treat them with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Should I remove spent flowers from begonias? Removing spent flowers is a necessary part of care for all begonias. If the flowers get any water on them, they tend to start to rot, and if the decaying blooms remain in.

Myth 7: Boring Begonias?

Truth: Definitely Not!

These plants are stunning and come in a variety of colors. Their droopy leaves add an elegant touch to any space.

Bonus Fact: Air-Purifying Pros

Weeping begonias are nature’s little air purifiers, removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene.

How do you keep begonias blooming? Provide Them Adequate Sunlight. Though they are shade-friendly plants, they need at least 4 hours of early sun to blossom. While begonias are often seen as shade flowers, they do require a bit of sun to initiate blooming. I think around 4 hours of early morning sun is ideal.

Remember, this is a rough guide. Keep an eye on your plant’s vibes and adjust care accordingly. Happy plant parenting, folks!

Adila Zakir

Adila Zakir (USA Federal Drug Authority Certified) Studied medical and medical-related business at the same time Overcame search lethargy Worked for medical search and business marketing consultation Expert in medical writing and has special interest in immunity boosting foods.

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