Can LYSOL Freeze? Do Clorox Wipes Freeze?

Lysol products, like many other household cleaners, contain a mixture of chemicals and water. Many people believe that Lysol can freeze because of the product’s liquid form. In reality, Lysol is a gel-based formula. It means that it won’t freeze at room temperature. If you want to use Lysol, you’ll need to heat it before using it.

But can Lysol freeze?

Short answer: Yes, Lysol can freeze.

Do Clorox Wipes Freeze?

Clorox wipes can freeze, but it is not recommended. The freezing and thawing process can break down the active ingredients in the wipes, making them less effective at disinfecting surfaces.

The Freezing Point of Lysol

The freezing point of a liquid depends on the composition, and Lysol typically consists of water as the primary ingredient. The freezing point of water is 32°F (0°C), but the presence of other chemicals in Lysol may alter this slightly.

Alcohol Content in Disinfecting Wipes

Lysol and Clorox Wipes do not freeze because they are made of alcohol. Alcohol does not freeze. You should put these items in your freezer without any problems.

What happens to Lysol when it freezes?

When Lysol freezes, the water in the product separates from the other ingredients. This can cause the product to change color, consistency, or even become ineffective.

Effects of Freezing on Lysol

Lysol is generally safe to use in cold environments. Freezing it won’t necessarily render it ineffective. However, freezing can cause some changes in the product, such as:

  1. Texture Changes: Freezing Lysol may lead to changes in texture. It can become slushy or separate into its components. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s unusable, but it might be less effective.
  2. Weakening of Active Ingredients: The active disinfecting ingredients in Lysol may be less potent after freezing. To ensure its effectiveness, it’s best to store it at recommended temperatures.

Can you use Lysol that has frozen?

It is not recommended to use Lysol that has frozen. Even if the product appears to be normal after thawing, it may not be as effective as it was before.

How to prevent Lysol from freezing

The best way to prevent Lysol from freezing is to store it in a warm place. If you live in a cold climate, you may want to store Lysol in a heated garage or basement.

If you do need to store Lysol outdoors, try to find a sheltered spot where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight or extreme cold.

What to do if your Lysol freezes

If your Lysol does freeze, do not thaw it quickly. Instead, allow it to thaw slowly at room temperature. Once the Lysol has thawed, shake it well to mix the ingredients together.

If the Lysol has changed color or consistency, or if it appears to be damaged, do not use it. Discard the product and purchase a new one.

Proper Storage of Disinfecting Wipes With Lysol

Disinfecting wipes do not freeze because alcohol does not freeze. Experts recommend storing them in a cool, dry place and keeping them away from extreme temperatures.


Lysol can technically freeze without becoming unsafe to use, but it may undergo texture and potency changes. To ensure its effectiveness, it’s best to store it at room temperature and avoid exposing it to extreme cold. If you require disinfectants for outdoor use during freezing conditions, consider alternatives with lower freezing points.

Here are some links for further research on Clorox:

  • Clorox website:
  • Clorox safety data sheets:
  • Clorox product information pages:
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Adila Zakir

Adila Zakir (USA Federal Drug Authority Certified) Studied medical and medical-related business at the same time Overcame search lethargy Worked for medical search and business marketing consultation Expert in medical writing and has special interest in immunity boosting foods.

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